SAP Security User Information System (SUIM)

SAP Security User Information System (SUIM)

SAP User Information System (SUIM) is used to get the information about users, authorizations, roles and profiles in SAP system. we can explicitly search for users with critical authorizations and critical roles.

SUIM is also used for user, authorizations, role and profile comparisons. We can get the list of transaction codes in particular role. SUIM is also used for displaying change documents for users, roles, role assignments, profiles, authorizations and security policies.

Displaying users by their address:

Execute SUIM transaction code and select "users by Address Data" under Users menu 


Use report RSUSR002_ADDRESS. Execute this report using SE38 transaction code.

Leave the fields empty and click on execute icon. This will display all the users in the system with their address.

Below is the output that shows the list of users by their address.

Below are the various reports that are used to display the users on various parameters.

RSUSR002 - Users by complex selection criteria
RSUSR006 - Users with unsuccessful logons
RSUSR200 - Users by logon date and password changes
RSUSR008_009_New - Users with critical authorizations

Display roles by complex selection criteria:

Report RSUSR070 is used to determine the roles by complex criteria.

Enter the authorization object and the activity under the "Selection according to authorization values". This will display the list of roles based on the selection criteria.

Use SUIM transaction code or use SE38 and execute report RSUSR070.

Enter the authorization object and the values as shown below.

Below are list of roles displayed as per the selection criteria

RSUSR010 is the report which is used to display the transactions that a user can execute. RSUSR050 report is used for comparing the user, roles, profiles and authorizations with in the same system and also between the different systems.

RSUSR100N is the report which is used for displaying the change documents for users.

Watch the below demo video on how to execute SAP Security programs.


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