SAP Security: Role Administration

Role Administration

Functions of the role administration is managing roles and managing authorization data. Transaction code PFCG (Profile Generator) is used for maintaining the roles, profiles and authorizations. 
The roles are link between the user and authorizations. Basically the authorizations are stored in the system as objects.
User menu is assigned to the users with the roles and it is displayed when the user logon the system. Roles contains transactions, reports and web based applications.
With the role administration user can create roles and assign to users, change roles, delete roles, derive roles, compare roles and transport roles. In this blog i will be explaining about how to creating single roles in SAP using PFCG transaction code.

Basic process of role administration:

1. Prepare a role matrix based on job description. Menu paths and transactions should be determined for each job position and determine the required authorizations like change, display, delete. 

2. Create the roles based on the job description using the PFCG transaction.

3. Next step is to generate the roles and modify any authorization profiles.

4. Next step is to assign the roles to the users.

5. Final step is to update the user master record by doing user comparison. There is a background job that needs to be scheduled on a regular basis for updating the user master records.

Role includes role name, description, menu, authorization, user and personalization data.

Procedure for creating single role

If none of the SAP delivered roles meets your requirement, then it is best to create role with your requirements.

a. Go to Tools-->Administration-->User Maintenance-->Role Administration-->Roles or execute transaction code PFCG.

b. Enter the role name, SAP suggests to use the role name that starts with "Y_" or "Z_" instead of using the SAP namespace that is "SAP_".

c. Click on the create button.

d. Enter the detail description of the role like approvals, ticket number etc which helps in security audit.

e. Go to the Menu tab and assign the transactions, reports etc based on the job description. System will pull the authorization data automatically from the transactions that is there in the menu. These authorizations can be adjusted in the authorizations tab.

f. Go to the authorizations tab and generate the profile for the role. Authorizations that are proposed are displayed here. Some authorizations contains default values. 

Authorizations are manually adjusted where ever the traffic lights appears. If there is any red traffic light that means there are organizational levels with out any value. It should be maintained with the proper values. Select the generate button to generate the role.

g. Assign the roles to the users and save.

Watch my demo video on how to create single role in SAP using PFCG transaction code.


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