SAP Security: How To Create User Group

SAP Security: How To Create User Group

User groups in SAP are used for grouping of one or more users. User groups are required to distribute the user maintenance work among the user administrators. User Administrators need access to the user group to maintain the users in that user group. If there is no user group is assigned to the user that means any administrator can maintain that user.

There are two types of user groups in SAP. First one is User group for authorization check which appears in SU01 transaction code under the "Logon Data" tab. This user group is also used for reporting purposes. Second one is general user groups appears in "Groups" tab. The general user group is used for mass maintenance (SU10). Both user groups are created using SUGR transaction code.

How to create user groups using SUGR transaction code?

1. Go to SAP Menu--> Tools--> Administration-->User Maintenance--> User Groups or execute SUGR transaction code.

2. Enter the new user group name and click on create icon.

3. Click on Save icon to save the entries.

SUGR transaction code is also used for displaying, modifying and deleting the user groups. Below is the link to demo video.



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