SAP BASIS Questions And Answers - Part 1

 SAP BASIS Questions And Answers - Part 1

1. What are the profiles available for client copy?

SAP_ALL – This profile copies all client specific data w/o any change documents
SAP_APPL – Customizing and application data without any change documents
SAP_CUST – Customizing
SAP_CUSX – Customizing w/o authorization profiles and roles
SAP_PROF – Only authorization profiles and roles
SAP_UCUS – Customizing and user master records
SAP_USER – User master records and authorization profiles

2. After client copy, is tablespace and database sizes increase?

Yes, the tablespace and database sizes will increase after client copy as the data is copied between the clients.

3. How to do transports between the systems?

Transports can be done via STMS_IMPORT transaction code in application level.
Transports can be done from operating system level using tp command.

4. Where the transport data files will be stored?

Transport data files will be stored under /usr/sap/trans/data

5. What is transport domain?

The system within the system landscape which is used to maintain and change transport management system configuration is the domain controller and all the system within the landscape is transport domain.

6. What is consolidation route and delivery route?

Consolidation route: This is the route between development system and quality system.
Delivery route: This is the route between quality system and production system. This route contains source and target system. Delivery route is used to transport into several systems.

7. What are the transport log return codes?

RC = 0, Import successfully completed
RC = 4, Import ended with warnings
RC = 8, Import ended with errors
RC = 12, Import is cancelled
RC = 16, Import is cancelled

8. What are the work processes in SAP?

Dialog – It is used for interactive tasks in the system.
Update – It is used to update the transaction in the data base
Enqueue – It is used to handling the lock entries in the system
Background – It is used to execute the background jobs
Spool – It is used to output documents to printer/email/fax

9. What is client copy in SAP and what are the methods in client copy?

Client copy is used to transfer the client specific data within the same system or between different systems.
Client copy methods are 
a. Local client copy: SCCL is the transaction code which is used for local client copy, it copies the client within the same system.
b. Remote Client copy: SCC9 is used for remote client copy method, it copies the clients between different systems.
c. Client import/export: SCC8 is used for client export and import, it copies the client between different systems. 

10. What are the transport request types?

Workbench request: The workbench request includes cross-client changes. Examples for these type of  changes are the changes that are made to the repository objects of ABAP workbench.
Customizing request: This request contains client specific changes.

11. What are the related to TMS?

STMS -  Transport management system
SE09 – Transport organizer
SE10 -  Transport organizer
SE03 – Transport organizer tool
SE01 – Transport organizer (extended)

12. What are the standard clients in SAP?

SAP contains 3 standard clients 000, 001 and 066, these clients are brought into the system along with the SAP installation.
000 contains a simple organization structure of a test company. It includes standard settings and configurations.
001 is a copy of 000. If this client is configured, its settings are client dependent. This client is reserved for tasks of preparing a system for the production environment.
066 is allocated to SAP for accessing to its customers systems to perform the early watch service.

13. What is the purpose of the Dispatcher process?

The dispatcher is the control program and it manages the resources of the R/3 applications.
The main tasks of the dispatcher process are:
Balanced assignment of the transaction load to the work process
Buffer management in main memory
Connection with the presentation layer
Organization of the communication process

14. What is message server?

Message server is a basically a service used by different application servers to exchange data and internal messages. It is also a part of the ABAP Server central service instance. There will be only one message server can run in each SAP system.
Message server is used to perform the below tasks. 
Central communication channel between the individual application servers
Load distribution of logons using SAPGUI and RFC with logon groups
Information point for the web dispatcher and the application servers
SMMS transaction code is used to monitor the message server.

15. How to start and stop SAP system at OS level?

To start SAP system at operating system level, logon to OS level using <sid>adm account and execute “startsap” command.
To stop the SAP system, execute “stopsap” command with <sid>adm account.

16. What are the servers in SAP?

The SAP R/3 system consists of three types of servers. This is also called as three system landscape.

a. Database server: It contains the database engine and associated processes. The database layer includes the database system used by all servers.
b. Application server: It contains the SAP kernel which can run ABAP programs. It consists of dispatcher and group of work process.
c. Presentation server: Presentation server is used to display the SAP user interface.

17. What is the directory structure in the SAP R/3 system?

The main directories in the R/3 system.
a. /usr/sap: Physical parent directory of the whole SAP application
b. /usr/sap/trans: Transport directory which is used to transport objects and customization settings between the SAP systems
c. /usr/sap/<SID>: This is SAP system parent directory. If there is more than one SAP system is installed and different IDs in the same server
d. /usr/sap/<SID>/ SYS: It contains common and global system file and profile, global and exe directories
e. /usr/sap/<SID>/<INSTANCE-NAME>: It contains instance specific directories like data, log and work
f. /sapmnt: SAP mount directory which is used to share the common files with all the SAP system belong to the same group

18. Kernel directory and its programs

/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run is the kernel directory in the SAP R/3 system.
Below are some important programs present in the kernel directory.
CAR: It is used to extract SAP files from compressed files
dpmon:  It is used to monitor dispatcher process It is a template for creating SAP backup profiles
R3load: It is a program used in installations, upgrades for loading R/3 data into the database
rfcoscol: This program is used for collecting the statistics remotely
saposcol: This is SAP operating system collector program
sappfpar: Program to test and calculate the profile parameter values
startdb/stopdb: Shell script for starting and stopping the database
startsap/stopsap: programs used for starting and stopping the SAP system
tp: transport control program.

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