Protecting Special Users in SAP

 Protecting Special Users in SAP

Standard Users in SAP:

SAP system comes with SAP* and DDIC. These are the super users and they are created during the SAP installation process. Password is set during the installation process. The SAP* user is created in 000, 001 and all new clients while DDIC is created in 000 and 001 clients only. Apart from these users, there are other users like EARLYWATCH, SAPCPIC and TMSADM.

SAP* and DDIC users should be monitored regularly and should be protected from unauthorized access.

Protecting the SAP Special Users:

a. SAP* user should exists in all clients and should be deactivated in all clients. The default password for SAP* and DDIC should be changed. Report RSUSR003 displays special users that are exists in all the client and changes made to these users.

b. Set the user group to "SUPER" for all these users in all clients. All these users should be locked in all clients.

c. There is a transport background job called RDDIMPDP which executes with DDIC user. This needs to changed and set the different user with the same authorizations as DDIC, so that DDIC can be locked.

d. SAP* user id should not be deleted, instead new super user is created and SAP* should be deactivated in all clients.

e. There is a profile parameter called login/no_automatic_user_sapstar which gives provision for automatic creation of SAP* user. This parameter value should be set to 1, so that it prevents from creating user automatically. If the parameter value is set to 0, this allows you to login to system with SAP* and password PASS with system administration access.

f. Create a master record for SAP* in clients where there is no user master record for SAP*. SUPER user group should be assigned and set a strong password. Remove all the authorizations for SAP* in all clients.

g. DDIC users id should not be deleted, set the strong password and lock this id from unauthorized access.


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