SAP Security: Creating New User Account using Transaction Code SU01
Creating New User Account U sing Transaction Code SU01 SAP User Administration functions include User Creation, Change, Display, Delete, Copy, Lock/Unlock, Password reset. The topic is about creating new user account in SAP system. I have explained two methods. This is relevant for SAP Security Consultants or SAP User Administrators who want to perform user administration activities in SAP system. The User Administrator must follow the company policies and approval process before creating user account. Prerequisites for creating New User Account User Administrator/SAP Security Consultant should have the roles with the below authorizations in it. 1. Authorization Object S_USER_GRP for creating user and assign to user group. 2. Authorization Object S_USER_PRO for assigning authorization profiles to user. 3. Authorization Object S_USER_AUTH for creating and modifying authorizations. 4. Authorization Object S_USER_AGR for assigning roles to user. 5. Authorization Object S_USER_TCD for...